
Happy New Year (2015)

Well, a happy new year to all of you! All the best and good luck with your resolutions and intentions in this new year. My intention for the year ahead is to embrace a humanist philosophy, along with some yoga, minimalism and a certain amount of Zen (although I need to understand better what I mean by that).

While I was out walking with the Baron yesterday and thinking about my intentions for this year, I was trying to think of a constructive way to express my frustrations with some things going on at work and relate those frustrations to my intentions. I remembered a yoga sutra that one my favourite yoga instructors had interpreted: Just when you think you have it all figured out, everything changes.

For me, I’d like to believe that I’m regularly figuring things out, that things change and then I figure them out again. But for many, once they’ve figured things out, those things need to stay the same for a long while. In this case, my frustration comes when things need to change and others are unwilling to allow those things to change.

I also realized that in many cases I’m resistant to change, although I’d like to believe that my resistance lies not with the change itself, but with the reason for the change. Currently at work, I’m resistant to the change expected of me because I believe very strongly that it’s the wrong change. I’m expected to change the things I do and the way I do them, and I believe that I will no longer be able to provide useful solutions in the short time that it takes me. And that those things I produce will be missed.

I’m going to try to maintain a positive outlook on the situation and continue to provide useful things, regardless of the changes expected of me. I hope that I will be able to produce the kind of work I like to produce and fulfill my intentions this year.
