
Write Like You Talk

I just finished reading Seth Godin’s Talker’s block blog post from today and was inspired to write something. Hopefully, this is a starting point for some regular writing. It’s so true that we never get “talker’s block” like we do writer’s block. I want to write regularly, I just don’t always have something to say. Except that I talk enough, some may say too much, even (or especially) when I don’t have anything to say. So why not write?

I said this would mostly be about minimalism and productivity, and what could be more productive than actually getting something done? I’m busy, busy with all kinds of things. Busy at work, because I’m not entirely sure what I’m trying to do and I’m interrupted too often to focus and figure it out. Busy at home, cooking, cleaning, trying to organize my life, reading, watching TV. Busy with my hobbies, not being able to put in the kind of time to get it all done the way I want, so I end repeating some work.

But I’ve found that just getting things done makes me feel a little better about the things that don’t get done, knowing that I’ll get to them eventually. It took me three weeks to get a picture hung. But it’s done now.
