Wedding fun!
Ummm, it’s 5 o’clock in the morning and I’m just getting home. What a good night!!
It was RLP and Shuttergirl’s wedding and what an excellent wedding! We were at the beautiful Boulevard Club on the lakeshore. Although it was raining most of the day, Ernesto failed to spoil our fun. The ceremony was short and to the point. The Unitarian minister had some original words and vows for the couple; very refreshing. RLP’s mom read from 1 Corinthians 13:4-13, but it was a version I’ve never heard before; equally refreshing. Although perhaps I’m not completely familiar with verses 8-10 and 12.
And from the ceremony, straight to the boozing! I started with rye & ginger ales and stuck with them through most of the evening. There was wine at dinner and the maid of honour was making us all do vodka shots later on. The dinner was above average, but nothing to write home about: butternut squash soup, mixed greens, prime rib, chocolate mousse. Oh, I’m not complaining, it was delicious and I cleaned my plate. Of course, there were speeches and toasts and music; very loverly.
It was the company that really set things apart. My table guests were fun and interesting. I had an extended conversation about websites with one who’s an artist. Other guests were fun for vodka shots. But I was smitten by one my table partners, who chose to sit right next to me. Although, I guess, I sorta chose to sit next to her, too: there was some other dude chatting with her when I sat down and I sat next to him, but he was at another table and when he left, she moved next to me. We didn’t spend any serious time chatting, but there seemed to be some kind of something between us. She’s from Calgary, so there might not be anything to it, but I’ll maintain contact and see what happens. It’s funny, I know her sister from Banff, she was my next-door neighbour and my roommate had some kind of relationship with her (the sister, that is, not this girl).
The Boulevard Club asked us to leave around 1am, so we hit the bar (albeit without the girl). When the bar asked us to leave at 3am, we went for Chinese. And RLP and Shuttergirl, and RLP’s parents were with us the whole way. Good times!