
Canadian International Auto Show

So, I’m fully auto-mated after my day at the Canadian International Auto Show. I went with my Uncle and Aunt who came in from London on the train. There was nothing I was really necessarily looking forward to, other than maybe the Smart car or the re-designed Ford Mustang. I was thoroughly disappointed by the fuel efficiency of the vehicles, especially considering that automakers had a huge chance to be proactive and jump on the Kyoto Protocol (actually, read this or even this, they’re easier!) bandwagon. Any manufacturer who voluntarily takes steps towards environmental stewardship is a hero in my book! But no, all the cars are the same old gas-guzzlers … especially the SUVs. There was the Ford Escape Hybrid, but other than that it was the standard small car that was fuel efficient for the most part.

I picked up the Ultimate Matrix Collection yesterday, so I watched The Matrix Reloaded last night. I’ll probably watch Revolutions this week some time. And then again several times in the future! What a wicked trio of movies! It even got me back in the mood to play the Matrix Online, which was starting to bum me out a bit. I’m a “beta tester” (the non-disclosure agreement was lifted Feb. 14, so I can talk a little about it), and I was supposed to be playing mostly to help work out the bugs. I reported everything that happened to me and participated in the forums to discuss things a bit. But I was really just playing to have fun, and I was having a tough time getting into the game, because there was no story. But now that I have a fresh look at the original story, I’m having a bit better time playing the game.

So, bloggity blog blog … Stay Cool!
